Tuesday 31 December 2019


“And she gave birth to her first born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn” (Mt. 2:7).

This simple sentence described the reality of Christmas : on the one hand, God’s unconditional love for humans beings that did not hesitate him to send His Son into the world as a human person, and on the other, people’s poor response !. St John puts this situation thus: “he came to his own and his
own people did not receive him” (Jn. 1:11). The excuse for such a shabby treatment of God by His own people could be that they did not recognize Him!

Knowing this attitude of people, Jesus has given us a simple rule : first, to encounter and recognize Him in faith: in the Word of God and in the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. Secondly, to encounter and recognize Him in the poor: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.. As you did it
to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me” (Mt. 25:35,40)

There are many people who are homeless today :  as refugees seeking shelter in a strange land, victims of natural calamities, victims of injustice in society, victims of poverty! In the major cities of
our country, we find people sleeping on footpaths or out in the open without a roof over their heads! In winter, many such people die due to cold. Pope Francis once said that while any slight economic change in the world markets would become a headline in the media, the death of a poor person due to
cold out in the open, would not draw such attention! In other words, human beings are no more a priority, but money is!

What is our response today? Christmas is a time when we recognize the Son of God in the humble Babe of Bethlehem as we sing: “O come let us adore Him” and welcome Him into our hearts. Christmas is a time to thank God for giving us His own Son to save us from sin. Christmas is a time to thank God for all the service done to the poor : by the Government, the Church, different religious Organizations, NGOs and individuals, people of goodwill.

Yet, much more needs to be done. Christmas inspires us to recognize Jesus in and around us and see how we can help the poor through sharing, caring, showing concern and compassion. The many orphanages, Rainbow Homes, Ashalayams, Prem Daans and Shantidanns, Nirmol Hridays and Night Shelters are positive responses to Jesus seeking a place to lay his head!

I thank all our Priests, Consecrated Persons and their co-workers for their generous and inspiring service. At this Christmas, let us open the door of our hearts to Jesus and welcome Him, and as we pray for the refugees and the homeless in the world, let us proactively welcome the poor to our homes, and support all those who help the homeless especially in our City of Kolkata.

Let us make room for the Son of God and our poor brothers and sisters so that the Gospel narrative can read: “There was place for them in the Inn!” I wish you a HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a PEACE-FILLED NEW YEAR 2020

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